Printer-friendly copies: Pineapple Melba Cream Tarts 4×6 card Pineapple Melba Cream Tarts full page Pineapple Melba Cream Tarts 3×5 card
Apple Crisp
Printer friendly copies: Apple Crisp 4×6 card Apple Crisp full page Apple Crisp 3×5 card
Lemon Bisque
Printer friendly copies of Lemon Bisque Lemon Bisque Lemon Bisque 3×5 card Lemon Bisque 4×6 card I found another version of this recipe in my collection of recipes- this copy was found in a pile of photocopied papers-
Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad recipe from the Delta Kappa Gamma Beta State Chi Chapter Cookbook Printer Friendly copies: Fruit Salad full page Fruit Salad 3×5 card Fruit Salad 4×6 card