American Field Service
American Field Service Buffalo NY Candy International Foods Pakistan recipe

Pakistani Coconut Toffee (ناریل ٹافی ہدایت (انگریزی) جوز الهند وصفة الحلوى (الإنجليزية

  A traditional Pakistani sweet candy Printer friendly copies: COCONUT TOFFEE (Pakistan) full page COCONUT TOFFEE (Pakistan) 3×5 card COCONUT TOFFEE (Pakistan) 4×6 card0  

ethnic food link

Jewish Cookbooks | My Jewish Learning

A history from the traditional to the treif. What’s big and long and treyf in some places? The history of Jewish cookbooks. Long before the Joy of Cooking was published in 1936, Jewish women were writing and sharing their recipes and food traditions. Filled with recipes from gefilte fish to oyster canapés to dafina, Jewish […]