baking food recipe Unbeatable Etables

Apple Muffins

  Printer-friendly copies: Apple Muffins 4×6 card Apple Muffins full page Apple Muffins 3×5 card   [amazon_link asins=’B003W0UMPI,B00008W70J,B000PADZ7U,B00K4THHXU,B01K2NBJNQ,B00NP8M67Y,B002CXKBKM’ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’instither-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9982a090-09dc-11e8-9a4d-4bb9a1e6576c’]

frankenmuth historical association cookbook
baking food Frankenmuth Historical Association recipe

Beer Biscuits

The Frankenmuth Historical Museum is a seven gallery interactive museum detailing the history of Frankenmuth (Michigan) community from its founding by German Lutheran missionaries in 1845 to now. Printer Friendly copies: beer biscuits 3×5 card beer biscuits 4×6 card Beer Biscuits full page