
Have you ever had one of those days when you decide to Google a recipe before posting and the results come up with a slightly different name (in this case the majority of recipes are called Bienenstich) and is *just* different enough (Bienenstich aka German Bee Cake is apparently a yeast-based cake while this recipe … Read more

South Buffalo Cake (who knew that there was a cake specific to South Buffalo?)

south buffalo cake

Today in things I had not heard of until today- the South Buffalo Cake. Who knew that there was a cake named after a neighborhood here in the 716. I don’t know what makes this particular cake so special to South Buffalo (to play along with stereotypes there is nothing Irish about it). I was … Read more

Blueberry Buckle

Church Supper Cookbook

Someday there will be a vaccine for Covid and we will go back to life. After church coffee hours were the best part of going to church and this Blueberry Buckle recipe by Eleanor Calvin of the Second Congregational Church of Newcastle, Maine is perfect for those.

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