Iroquois gas
Canadian Cheese Soup “Meet the Millers” December 29, 1960
Originally from WBEN-TV’s “Meet the Millers” TV show and the Iroquois Gas Corporation Home Service Printer-Friendly copies: Canadian Cheese Soup 3×5 card Canadian Cheese Soup 4×6 card Canadian Cheese Soup full page
Spiced Tangerines “Meet the Millers” December 27, 1960
“Meet the Millers” & Home Service Iroquois Gas Corporation December 27, 1960 Printer-friendly copies: Spiced Tangerines full page Spiced Tangerines 4×6 card Spiced Tangerines 3×5 card
Shortbread Cookies
Printer Friendly copies: shortbread cookies 3×5 card shortbread cookies 4×6 card shortbread cookies full page
Chocolate Cream Puffs “Meet the Millers” Nov 11, 1958
Printer friendly copies: chocolate cream puffs 3×5 card chocolate cream puffs 4×6 cards chocolate cream puffs full page