Tag: cookies
Bourbon Rings
Printer Friendly copies: bourbon rings full page bourbon rings 3×5 card bourbon rings 4×6 card
Cinnamon Cuts Krajanki Cynamonwe
While going through recipes last night I came across this one and knew I had to try it. I did make a few changes (I am not a fan of nuts or raisins) so I left those out. These do become hard cookies but resemble the Italian biscotti. Printer Friendly copies: Cinnamon Cuts full page […]
Butter Rings
Printer Friendly copies: Butter Rings 3×5 card Butter Rings 4×6 card Butter Rings full page
Anise Cookies
Printer-friendly copies: anise cookies 3×5 card anise cookies 4×6 card anise cookies full page