Salt Pork Cake recipe via Yensie M. Moore
Salt pork is salt-cured pork. It is usually prepared from pork belly, or, more rarely, fastback. Salt pork typically resembles uncut side bacon, but is fattier, being made from the lowest part of the belly, saltier, as the cure is stronger and performed for longer, and never smoked. Along with hardtack, salt pork was a … Read more
A vintage recipe for Peach Marlow
One of the things I have discovered about vintage recipes is that sometimes measurements can be optional. I wonder- just what sized marshmallows are intended for this recipe. I think it would be safe to assume that this recipe for Peach Marlow would use the traditional size of marshmallows (that we use for s’mores) and … Read more
Have you ever had one of those days when you decide to Google a recipe before posting and the results come up with a slightly different name (in this case the majority of recipes are called Bienenstich) and is *just* different enough (Bienenstich aka German Bee Cake is apparently a yeast-based cake while this recipe … Read more