unknown source
Sugar Cookies made famous by Ethel.
Now I had intentions of writing a long story about who Ethel was. First, though I went to Reddit because the instructions that were written out seemed a bit off. I wondered just what was meant by 3/4 cup soft shortening (part sugar). A few other people were confused and well, someone wrote the wrong … Read more
Mushroom Canapés
A canapé (French: [kanape]) is a type of hors d’oeuvre, a small, prepared, and often decorative food, consisting of a small piece of bread (sometimes toasted), puff pastry, or a cracker wrapped or topped with some savoury food, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite. via Wikipedia
Italian Love Cake
I am going to be honest here- I have never heard of the Italian Love Cake until I found this recipe card in a random recipe box that I found at Amvets. Should we tell Candy Rinaldo that the card she so nicely wrote out ended up at the thrift? I did find some random … Read more