Chocolate Ice Cream Cake aka Midcentury Modern food fun
The name of this recipe is so misleading- I expected for it to be an “ice cream cake”, not a chocolate cake with ice cream. This recipe can be tailored to your needs so easily. Want regular chocolate cake? Buy that mix. Need to go gluten-free? There is a mix for that. You can even … Read more
Fabulous Fudge Cake and Chocolate-Cream Frosting
Insert a super long story about how this Fabulous Fudge Cake recipe was handed down by generations of women. It wasn’t. It came in a 3 pronged folder with a bunch of other cut out recipes that I got at the Salvation Army (back when they still had the as-is store (shakes fist at Covid-19)
Sour Cream Chocolate Cake with added booze! Cake + booze= fun
Here is where I go on and on about the fluffy snowflake I saw outside of my window this morning and the purring of my cat. Google is a fickle creature and ranks sites with long & boring stories higher.