Catholic Church (and other religious organizations) Cook Books & Recipes Minnetonka Kitchens Cookbook recipe

Devils Food Cake

Devil’s food cake is a moist, rich chocolate layer cake. Because of differing recipes and changing ingredient availability over the 20th century, it is difficult to precisely qualify what distinguishes devil’s food from the more standard chocolate cake. However, it traditionally has more chocolate than a regular chocolate cake, making it darker in color and with a heavier […]

All Maine Cooking recipe

Salt Pork Cake recipe via Yensie M. Moore

Salt pork is salt-cured pork. It is usually prepared from pork belly, or, more rarely, fastback. Salt pork typically resembles uncut side bacon, but is fattier, being made from the lowest part of the belly, saltier, as the cure is stronger and performed for longer, and never smoked. Along with hardtack, salt pork was a […]

German International Foods Millard Fillmore Suburban recipe Suburban Millard Fillmore Hospital Cookbook the 716


Have you ever had one of those days when you decide to Google a recipe before posting and the results come up with a slightly different name (in this case the majority of recipes are called Bienenstich) and is *just* different enough (Bienenstich aka German Bee Cake is apparently a yeast-based cake while this recipe […]