Clear Tomato Soup

Clear Tomato Soup  2 pounds ripe fresh tomatoes or 1 large can tomatoes 1 green pepper 1 stalk celery 1 large onion seasonings Cook tomatoes, pepper, celery and onions for one hour. Strain through a very course sieve, season to taste and serve with one slice of lemon for each plate. A little sugar will … Read more

Paprika Potatoes

Paprika Potatoes 8 to 10 Potatoes 2 Tablespoons Butter 2 onions 1 cup sour cream 1/2 teaspoon paprika Pare potatoes & cut them into small cubes. Chop onions fine, and sauté in the butter; add paprika when onions are yellow, then add the potatoes and salt; cover and keeping stewing adding water only by drops, … Read more

Chicken A La King

Chicken A La King by Hilda Bubar (from the Kitchen Kookery cookbook of Favorite Recipes From the Kitchens of the members of the St. Aloysius Rosary Alter Society) Printable recipe card size   1 5-lb chicken, cut up Boil till tender 4 cups milk 2 cups strained broth 2 tbsp. Butter melted 6 level tbsp. … Read more

Cherries, cherries & more cherries

One of the things about being in a CSA I that it is either feast or famine. Case in point- 5 lbs of cherries. What to do with said cherries? Make a first attempt at a Jelly. One of the problems with cherries are the pits. Our juicer (aka my shortcut machine) doesn’t deal with … Read more

Karo Peppermint Candy

Two cups of brown sugar One cup of Karo syrup One-quarter cup of butter Boil together and just before taking from the fire add twelve drops of oil of peppermint. Pour into greased pans and mark into squares as the candy cools. karo peppermint printer friendly

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