A coloring book of historic buildings in Buffalo New York. All illustrations in this coloring book were adapted from the book Buffalo Illustrated: Commerce, Trade and Industries of Buffalo, published in 1890 by Anderson & Gillette and the Courier Printing Company. The copy used to create this book as well as many other wonderful items […]
Tag: retail history
Torn down Tuesday: Make way for the Main Place Mall – BN Chronicles
From the roof of AM&A’s in 1960, very few of the buildings seen here would still be standing a decade later. While the venerable Buffalo retailing names like Tanke and Ulbrich, which dated back to the 1850s and 1870s, would hold on until the 1980s, the buildings they’d called home for generations would not. Most […]
Plum Jelly – vintage Loblaws recipe
As always printer friendly copies: Plum Jelly 3×5 card Plum Jelly 4×6 card Plum Jelly full page
Rainbow Centre Mall & more dead retail
I really hate falling into rabbit holes and today I blame the guys over at Forgotten Buffalo.com (and facebook) for today’s rabbit hole. The Rainbow Centre mall was part of the dystopian future envisioned by the proponents of Urban Renewal (aka tear down any interesting 19th century buildings and replace them with stuff designed by Brutalist style […]
New York storefronts: what a difference a decade makes | Cities | The Guardian
When photographers James and Karla Murray revisited the shopfronts they had documented in their Disappearing Face of New York book they found many replaced by chain stores, banks and luxury apartments Source: New York storefronts: what a difference a decade makes | Cities | The Guardian