ABC Cookbook
ABC Cookbook

Russian Paska

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Russian Paska

Course Appetizer
Cuisine Russian
Keyword cheese, Paska
Author Mrs. S. E. Nepokroeff


  • 5 lbs. of cottage cheese
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 lb. of almond bleached
  • 2 teaspoonful of vanilla
  • ½ pint of light cream
  • 2 orange rind
  • 2 lemon rind
  • ½ lb. butter


  • Take the cottage cheese and put through a sieve or a strainer.
  • Run it through or mash it through.
  • Mash the butter with it.
  • Put sugar, eggs, and cream,
  • Wash your raisins and put them in.
  • Chop the almonds finely, grate the orange rind and lemon rind and put all the rest of things together and mix well.
  • Put into a cloth napkin and place it into a wooden form.
  • Put something heavy on the top and place something under it to drain overnight.
  • Ready to serve the next day.
  • Serve with raisin bread or crackers.

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