Love is Good Cooking
food International Foods Love is Good Cooking Poland recipe

Surówka Kiszonej Kapusty (Sauerkraut salad with carrots and apples) recipe

Surówka Kiszonej Kapusty (Sauerkraut salad with carrots and apples) recipe   ¼ cup vegetable oil 1 tsp. Caraway seeds 1 tsp. Sugar ½ tsp. Salt 1 pound fresh sauerkraut 1 medium sized tart cooking apple, peeled, cored and cut into ½’ dice (approx 1 cup) 2 carrots, scraped and coarsely grated (approx. 1 cup) In […]

International Gourmet Food Festival
Ascension's International Food Festival food International Foods Poland

Fresh Polish Sausage (Kielbasa Polska)

Fresh Polish Sausage (Kielbasa Polska) 10 lbs. Lean Boston Pork Butts, ground in small pieces 1 teaspoon salt per lb meat 2 teaspoons pepper 2 ½ cloves garlic, chopped fine 3 teaspoons marjoram- fresh if possible, hand crushed and rubbed Mix all ingredients in large container with 2 cups of water. Let stand overnight in […]