the latest installment of old junk from now dead retail stores found around the house.
#tbt Boy Scout Troop 118 St. Ann’s Church Buffalo, NY part 3 (of many parts)
More from Boy Scout Troop 118, St. Ann’s Church, Buffalo, NY Boy Scouts was one of many activities that members of St. Ann’s Church in Buffalo participated in. The year was 1943 and these young men of Troop 118 went to Freedom, NY to visit Camp Scouthaven. The young men of Troop 118 were (and […]
Placek (Polish coffee cake)
Placek (Coffee Cake) Part 1: 1 cup lukewarm milk 1 tablespoon sugar 1 package active dry yeast 1 ½ cups of flour Mix above ingredients well and let rise in a covered bowl in a warm place, free from drafts for 30 to 50 minutes. Part 2: Dough: 3 eggs beaten well 1 cup sugar […]
Happy Easter & a few vintage Easter postcards for your enjoyment
A few (OK about 16) vintage Easter Images from years gone by. The postcards are all (as far as I know) in the public domain. Maybe next year I will scan the backs as well, but GIMP kept crashing on my windows box.
Vintage yarns
Remember a time when department stores still had craft departments? Heck even when all the discount stores had craft departments- now the only discount store with a craft department (if lucky enough to not be a remodeled one) is Walmart. In fact I still look for the arts and crafts department at my local Kmart […]