Blessed Trinity Church, Buffalo NY Taken after Buffalo Mass Mob, March 22, 2015
Happy St. Joseph’s Day! Traditional Recipes For the St. Joseph’s Table
Traditional Recipes For the St. Joseph’s Table (from Buffalolore/ research of Nancy Piatkowski) PASTA CON SARDE (Pasta with Sardines and Fennel) 1 large can of tomato puree 1 12 oz. can of tomato paste 1 can tomato sauce 1 large onion, chopped 4 cloves of garlic, chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup of […]
Vintage yarns
Remember a time when department stores still had craft departments? Heck even when all the discount stores had craft departments- now the only discount store with a craft department (if lucky enough to not be a remodeled one) is Walmart. In fact I still look for the arts and crafts department at my local Kmart […]
Vintage Buffalo- We’re Talking Buffalo
Random talking proud stuff as seen at a local antique mall: