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More Old School Buffalo retail advertising
Face-saving Facts Take the sting out of your daily shave! Let a Schick Electric Dry Shiver shear away your beard, smoothly, quickly and cleanly. There’s no fussing with lather, blades or brush. There’s no scraping or pulling. The Schick whisks over your face in a jiffy and removes every trace of stubble. Operates on alternating or direct current. Complete with cord. Packed in neat leather case. $15. Charge Purchases Not billed Until March 1st
The following are from:
New Orleans This Winter
THIS quaintest of all American cities offers all that any other winter resort offers plus a great deal. A perfect climate, restful palatial hotels, romance, diversion, wonderful cookery.
For the sportsman racing. golf, yachting, duck shooting, quail a little distance out; and. within a radius or twenty-five miles every variety of land and and water game known to the semi-tropics is found and killed and brought back as evidence of the huntsman’s prowess.
Some very enjoyable excursions may be made from New Orleans down the Mississippi to the jetties or to Grand Isle; over Lake Ponchartrain to Mandeville. Chinchuba, Covington and Abita Springs.
Along the Mississippi Coast to Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian and Biloxi; short rail trips to Leake Borgne; to the pine hills of Magnolia and Chatawa; to the state capital, Baton Rouge.
The picturesque Teche country, in which dwell the quaint Acadians is distant from New Orleans less than half a day.
The route to this romantic wonderland can be as fascinating as the wonderland itself, if you travel on
The Panama Limited
Chicago to New Orleans in Twenty Three Hours.
Faster than the fastest schedule ever made before. A hundred percent more luxurious than any train ever run between North and South Ease, security, and freedom from care, the most satisfying cuisine, the most scrumptous surroundings; all these are yours when you travel this premier train to the Southland. No extra fare.
If you are going to Cuba, to Panama, to California or to South America, by all means inclue New Orleans in your trip. Over the Illinois Central you can do thai at minimum expenditure of money and time.
Leaves Chicago daily at 12:30 P. M.—Arrives New Orleans at 11:30 the following morning.
Illinois Central
Starting Today at 9 A. M.
Celebrates 25 Years of Success!
• • and to You Women who are judges of quality• •
• • whose Touch tells of Fabric are Judges of Quality • • whose Eyes tell of Workmanship • •
• • to whom the Language of Fashion is an Open Book • •
This Sale Offers Real
Savings on Brand New
Even back in 1905, when Berger’s started business as a little one floor Shop, discerning Buffalo women were prompt to recognize it as a Shop catering to those seeking the unusual . . and because Buffalo women appreciated the smarter Fashions . . the more personal Service found at Berger’s, the little one-floor shop Grew . . and Grew . . and GREW!. , until today Berger’s is quoted as the finest Specialty Shop between New York and the Coast.
The Entire Berger Store Presents Berger High Fashion Merchandise At Less Than Regular Prices
to ” Thank Buffalo” for the Great Success which gave Berger’s in 1929 the Largest Per Cent Increase of Any High Class Store in the United States
Finally from the Niagara Gazette in 1926:
This post may contain affiliate links. Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits