pan fried bananas from Loblaws
Buffalo Buffalo History food Loblaws recipe vintage

Pan-Fried Bananas

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Loblaws grocery stores was founded in Toronto, Ontario in 1919. By 1928 they had expanded into the United States, including the Buffalo, NY area. In the mid-1970s the Buffalo stores were bought out by Bells supermarkets. The two companies still maintained a working relationship where Loblaws supplied Bells with generic foods (First the yellow and black “No-Frills” line & later the slightly more upscale “President’s Choice”). Bells lasted another twenty years in the Buffalo area before being bought out by Quality Markets. Loblaws is currently the largest supermarket chain in Canada.

Circa 1949- Loblaws grocery stores

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pan fried bananas from Loblaws
pan fried bananas from Loblaws


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