Category Archives: yarn

The ugly blanket & Eye searing red heart

So in trying to use up bunches of not natural yarns I’ve  been working on an ugly blanket


ugly blanket
ugly blanket

It is fairly simple- take an N sizes crochet hook and a few strands of miscellaneous yarns held together. In this case various types of acrylic & nylons & who knows what else. No wool though.

I told myself that I was not going to buy yarn except I happened to be in Joann Fabrics today picking out fabric for my dad’s bathroom. I made the mistake of looking in the yarn aisle. I looked at Red Heart Super Saver which is looked down upon by yarn snobs.

I walked out with a skein of Red Heart Super Saver in day glow. This color is tied with Mexicana for ugly colors. And it will look so good on the never ending blanket.

red heart supersaver day glow


And look- advertising- not sure why it wouldn’t link to Mexicana but here is the link to all the Red Heart colors Amazon sells. As always if you have a locally owned store that sells Red Heart go there before the chains.

Vintage yarns

Remember a time when department stores still had craft departments? Heck even when all the discount stores had craft departments- now the only discount store with a craft department (if lucky enough to not be a remodeled one) is Walmart. In fact I still look for the arts and crafts department at my local Kmart even though it’s been gone for many years.

So all of these vintage yarns were found at my local goodwill- heck some might still be there. There are fine examples from Sears, Kmart, Grants & Twin Fair.