Turkey Macaroni Loaf (it is perfect for leftovers when you’re tired of the same old same old)

seasons greetings 1959

It is December 1st which means we have had more than a few days’ worths of Turkey Leftovers. Instead of doing the same old same old let’s visit 1959 and go for the Turkey Macaroni Loaf. It has almost everything that a Mid Century food would be known for- except the Gelatin. If you need … Read more

Canada Dry Coffee Drink

Today in things I never expected to find while wandering the internet- learning that at one time Canada Dry had a coffee flavor drink (using Glamor Coffee). Just what is the special sparkle? Why is there *nothing* on the internet about this besides a few ads for sale on ebay?

#tbt Vintage Renwal Dollhouse bits and bobs

The Renwal Family

So earlier today I was wandering Facebook (as one tends to do) when Franklin Habit posted a photo that looked awfully familiar. Why yes, it was of the same mother and son Dollhouse Dolls that I inherited from #deadnancy. There is not a lot of information out there about the Renwal Company but I was … Read more

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