I don’t know how old this recipe is or if it was my grandmother’s or if it came from a friend. My Polish is pretty weak (OK non-existent) and I haven’t started to transcribe it yet (someday- along with rebuilding the blog from my host move)

Printer Friendly copies: Pączki 3×5 card Pączki 4×6 card Pączki full page [amazon_link asins=’1626549494,1593651317,B000KHBKUW,B000V5D0EW,B002D3VYZW’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’instither-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’07fca01c-0c7a-11e8-a4fe-a7d60b9d0fbc’]
RAISED DOUGHNUTS AND GLAZE Pączki Glazurowane 1 cup milk ½ cup sugar 1 cup sifted flour ¼ cup shortening or butter 1½ teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon nutmeg ½ cup sifted flour 1 package dry yeast or 1 cake compressed yeast 2 well-beaten eggs ¼ cup lukewarm water 2½ cups sifted flour … Read more
DE LUXE FEATHERLIGHT DOUGHNUTS (Szczesniak’s Special) Szczesniaków Specialne Paczki Printable copy: DE LUXE FEATHERLIGHT DOUGHNUTS