German ephemera, Collage, & Mixed Media Cut Out images
Just a quick scan of various German ephemera that you can use for collage & mixed media projects.
Just a quick scan of various German ephemera that you can use for collage & mixed media projects.
Back in March/ April (before it hit 94º in July, in the 716) I was up in the attic doing some purging of stuff (mainly #deadnancystuff). I found an envelope of these pretties. I don’t know if they came like this, were part of cards that someone (#deadBeatrice maybe) cut off of vintage cards? I … Read more
As always click the photo for the pdf
Just a quick post where I have scanned and uploaded a bunch more stamps for collage & other artwork. Just click on the picture for a pdf file.
Just a quick post where I’ve added a set of Loteria Mexican Bingo cards for collage work. If you want to learn how to play said game it is available on .