Vizzel Kelt Kifli – Hungarian Cold Water Kifli

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Vizzel Kelt Kifli – Hungarian Cold Water Kifli


3 cups sifted flour 1 small yeast cake
2 teaspoons baking powder ½ pt. Sour cream
dash of salt 3 egg yolks beaten
½ lb sweet butter 2 teaspoons vanilla

Mix the 3 cups sifted flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, & dash of salt. Then blend with ½ lb sweet butter like for pie crust

Add 1 small yeast cake dissolved in ½ pt. Sour cream, mix in and then 3 egg yolks beaten, 2 teaspoons vanilla.

Leave dough in mixing bowl and set bowl in ice cold water for 2 or 3 hours.

Roll on a slightly sugared board. Cut into squares, fill with ground walnuts or apricot jam. Let rise about 15 to 30 minutes.

Bake at 350º for 15 to 20 minutes, or until light brown.

(original source unknown, found typed out in recipe box of my mom’s)


Vizzel Kelt Kifli – Hungarian Cold Water Kifli 3×5 card

Vizzel Kelt Kifli – Hungarian Cold Water Kifli 4×6 card

Vizzel Kelt Kifli – Hungarian Cold Water Kifli full page


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