Ornamented Lonzenge
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The Ornamented Lozenge Pattern by Virginia L Harvey

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Red beads contrast against the white rayon lasting cord to make an interesting and distinctive diamond or lozenge pattern. The beads must be selected very carefully because the over-all size must fit the space they fill in the pattern and they must have holes large enough to take two strands of the knotting material.

Each diamond is a pattern unit, and it is knotted from eight doubled cords or sixteen ends. The directions cover one unit and the transition from one unit to the next, both horizontally and vertically. In the knotted piece that was photographed, the cords were mounted with Reversed Double Half Hitches and a row of Horizontal Double Half Hitches were tied immediately below the mounting knots. The mounted cords were then counted off in groups of sixteen ends. No pattern was knotted in the centers of the diamonds in the first row, so the pattern in that row is a series of chevrons.

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