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The History of Troop 118
St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church
Buffalo, NY
circa 1937
On February 28th 1927, a charter was presented by Rev. E.J. Meekel, SJ to a group of 8 boys and 10 scouters known as Boy Scout Troop 118 of St. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church. Mr. John Pfeiffer was appointed scoutmaster and assisted by Leo Franier, Louis J Weitz and August Pfeiffer.
The following served as Troop Committee:
- Rev. Joseph A Huefner, S.J. Troop Chaplain
- Adam Niderpruem, Chairman
- Otto Graber, Thrift Man
- Paul J. Clair, Parent Training
- Louis J. Spitzer, Activities
- Anothy Ored, Records
During a period of 10 successful years the troop has trained 176 boys in the field of scouting. A total of 305 merit badges, 19 star badges, 7 life badges and one eagle badge were awarded. The present enrollment is 10 first class, 20 second class, and 13 tenderfoot scouts.
The following her added to the Troop Committee:
- Albert Mayer, February 10, 1928
- James Wisemen, June 22, 1928
- Norman Quermbach, January 31, 1929
- Theodore Wagner, February 7, 1930
- Dr, Henry Strot, February 21, 1930
- Michael Spitzer, August 12, 1931
- James Mezen, January 19, 1931
- Charles Eichhorn, February 28, 1931
- John Gopl, February 17, 1933
- Langdon Welper, February 8, 1933
- Bert Seifreid, September 28, 1936
In February 1935, William A. Glaser, SJ was appointed Troop Chaplain
In February 1935, Charles Eichhorn succeeded John Pfeiffer as Scoutmaster, and John Pfeiffer was placed on Troop Committee.
The veteran scouts are as follows:
- Christopher Collier, Marvin Deboy, Harold Haid, Charles Ruble, Jack(?) Pfeiffer, and Bert Seifreid.
The heroic act of Scout Thomas Wiseman in saving the life of Anthony Canillo on August 21, 1931, is one of the most outstanding deeds of good scout training. Scout Wiseman was awarded a Life Saving Certificate by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America.
A drum corps was form in January 1935, under the direction of Langdon Welper, Robert Mages and Paul. J. Clair
In June 1933, a Mother’s Club was formed.
A Sea Scout Troop was added in February 1936 under the direction of Marvin Deboy, Skipper.
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