From the roof of AM&A’s in 1960, very few of the buildings seen here would still be standing a decade later. While the venerable Buffalo retailing names like Tanke and Ulbrich, which dated back to the 1850s and 1870s, would hold on until the 1980s, the buildings they’d called home for generations would not. Most […]
Tag: singer
Singer instructions for art embroidery : Singer sewing machine company. [from old catalog] : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
I am loving the old embroidery instructions at this website- and what makes all of the embroidery & lace such works of art is that they are all done on a treadle machine. No downloading a design from the ‘net to use in the fancy dancy embroidery machine- nope doing this all by hand err […]
Vintage Sewing Machine (s) Not purchased today
But they were all so pretty
Vintage singer sewing machine
A few issues with it- was not able to make out the serial number, but got photos prior to it becoming scrap metal.