St. John Kanty Church (Buffalo, NY) circa 1986

St. John Kanty Church, Buffalo NY circa 1986

I am so sorry that I have been quiet the past few months- my father had knee replacement surgery and between him and the kids, life has gotten busy busy busy. I finally have a chance to breathe (and find my living room floor!) so I’m slowly going through old slides. Today’s quick blog post … Read more

#tbt Artpark in the late 70s/ early 80s.

Niagara '79

Artpark had a long history prior to becoming the first state park devoted to the arts. The First Nations people originally lived in this area and a burial mound dating over 2000 years old is located on the grounds of Artpark. Explorers Father Louis Hennepin, O.F.M.  and René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, landed on the site … Read more

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