Tag Archives: kid

The Pokémon Pencil Pouch

Ahh back to school time- the smell of new pencils & notebooks and the crowds of crazed parents wandering through Target looking for the ONE item that does not exist, but is yet on the supply list.

Kid #1 is a huge Pokémon fan (it comes with the age) and he needed a pencil case for school. So like all good crafty types instead of buying a $3.00 plastic pencil case I spent closer to $10 in supplies & about $30 in labor costs to make him one.

The pattern & tutorial for the bag comes via Very Berry Handmade.

Using the zipper foot.
More playing with the zipper foot. No matter how much sewing I’ve done zippers scare me.  It looks like maybe I didn’t mess up the zipper.

Getting ready to turn it out.


And look- I’ve included some handy dandy links for buying Pokémon fabric straight from Amazon (and yes if you click & buy I get a few pennies

Simplicity 4927 for the girl

I found this cute fabric at Joann’s in the remnant bin. I knew that this would make the cutest shift dress for the girl.

I had found the pattern at Savers- it is still available on the Simplicty website & anywhere the budget line of Patterns are sold.


the fancy instagram photo if it laid out


not fancy photo of it in process


slightly fancy photo where im trying to hide the fugly carpet


she is smiling in the photo. really. neckline weird since I hadnt added the back button yet


more artistic bits


The pattern is fairly easy & could be completed in an afternoon. That is unless you have a toddler demanding attention