International Institute Cook Book
food International Institute (Lawrence MA) Cookbook recipe vintage

Rulet: Russian Meatloaf

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International Institute Cook Book
International Institute Cook Book


Rulet: Russian Meatloaf

1½ lb. Hamburg steak
½ lb pork (ground)
¼ loaf white break soaked in water (crust off)
Chop one medium onion- mix with beef, pork and bread. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add ¾ cup water gradually and mix into a smooth paste. Halve 2 or 3 boiled eggs. Grease long meat loaf dish and put in one layer of meat, then halves of egg. Cover with layer of meat. Put 2 or 3 slices of bacon on top and bake in 350′ oven for 45 minutes. Serves 10.

Mme. Nathalie Berestneff

rulet 3×5 card

rulet 4×6 card

rulet full page


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