baking Buffalo Meet the Millers recipe unknown source


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This recipe was discovered in a recipe box of my mothers. What I found most interesting is that there were two copies of it from 3 years apart with two different sources. Did Mrs. Dabrowski originally send it to the Millers or did she get the recipe from the TV show (and yes Bill and Mildred Miller were real people).

  • 1 ½ cup sifted flour
  • ¾ teaspoon Salt
  • ¼ lb butter
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 2 compressed yeast cakes (4 ½ teaspoons active dry yeast)
  • 5 tablespoon lukewarm milk
  • 3 egg yolks, beaten
  • 4 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/3 cup apricot puree

Sift flour and salt. Add butter and cut into the flour. Set aside. Crumble yeast cakes and add milk. Add this mixture to the beaten egg yolks and sugar. Add vanilla. Take the mixture and add it to the flour. Mix and put into the refrigerator for 3 hours. Break up into 3 pieces. Roll this and cut into 8 pie shaped wedges. Put 1 teaspoon of sweetened apricot puree on each piece. Roll over toward the point and shape like crescents. Place on greased sheet. Brush over the top with beaten egg yolk. Let stand for an hour at room temperature. Bake at 325° for 30 minutes.

Source 1: “Meet the Millers”, Tuesday, March 31, 1953. Iroquois Gas Corporation
Source 2: Mrs. Dabrowski, International Institute (Buffalo?), Wednesday, March 7, 1956

Printable copies:
rogaliki 3×5 card
rogaliki 4×6 card
rogaliki full page

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