review- The Watchers: Knight of Light #thewatchers

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I have become tired of the fantasy story where the guy is the hero and if there is a female she is a love interest/ accidentally along for the ride.

Auriella is a normal girl until her family dies in a horrible fire. At the start of the book she is working odd jobs in her village in return for food and clothing and a place to sleep. Suddenly she is forced to make a choice that saves the lives of children but brands her a witch. She is forced to go on a journey alone as she finds herself kept as a slave, then escapes with the help of a dwarf and pixie. Meanwhile she discovers that she has powers that mere mortals do not have. Auriella needs to find her place in the world that she lives in, a world that needs her to accept her powers so she can save it.

I would recommend this book to middle school readers. It may be a bit easy for high school readers but is still a fun read. There is so much allegory in the book of a young female finding her powers that IMHO all girls going through puberty need to know. That yes it is a confusing time but you will come out as a strong woman.

I will echo the complaint that there were parts that seemed to happen to easy- especially towards the final chapters.

**note I received a kindle copy of this book for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review

[easyazon_link identifier=”B00N4M783S” locale=”US” tag=”instither-20″]Knight of Light (The Watchers Book 1)[/easyazon_link]

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