On estate sales (aka dead people stuff)

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So this morning I had to go buy dog food & got sidetracked by an estate sale. Estate sales tend to be crapshoots. Some have very lovely items with lovely prices & others are filled with walmart & dollar store junque. My favorites are those with stuff. This one had a lot of collectible stuff- magazines, pinbacks, old toys, etc. I was lured by the “promise” of sewing stuff. The sewing selection was limited. There was a singer sewing machine from 1949, but would have required too much work to get running again for the price they wanted. If there were patterns they were gone. I did manage to find a few vintage crochet pamphlets though. I tell myself “I don’t *need* anymore edging booklets” but these were so pretty.
The ABC booklet does not have a copyright date but it looks to be from almost 100 years ago. The others are newer being from the 1940s.
Although not sure I have the patience to crochet a us flag…

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Private: On estate sales (aka dead people stuff)

This post may contain affiliate links.  Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits


So this morning I had to go buy dog food & got sidetracked by an estate sale. Estate sales tend to be crapshoots. Some have very lovely items with lovely prices & others are filled with walmart & dollar store junque. My favorites are those with stuff. This one had a lot of collectible stuff- magazines, pinbacks, old toys, etc. I was lured by the “promise” of sewing stuff. The sewing selection was limited. There was a singer sewing machine from 1949, but would have required too much work to get running again for the price they wanted. If there were patterns they were gone. I did manage to find a few vintage crochet pamphlets though. I tell myself “I don’t *need* anymore edging booklets” but these were so pretty.
The ABC booklet does not have a copyright date but it looks to be from almost 100 years ago. The others are newer being from the 1940s.
Although not sure I have the patience to crochet a us flag…

This post may contain affiliate links.  Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits

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