Banana Bread

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Bananas-I hate having to find the perfect bunch. You know the ones that aren’t super green or the ones that won’t turn brown in the drive home from Wegmans or Price-Rite.
That being said we had bananas that went bad (no they weren’t hanging out behind the garage smoking & drinking MD 20/20 but close enough). So what to do? Make banana bread.
I of course go to Pinterest & find a promising recipe- Graham cracker banana bread. I was trying to stay away from a nut bread because I’m not a huge fan of nuts (insert giggle I said nuts) & even though we have no nut allergies in the family I still am careful around girl child.
One thing I forget about making banana bread is how it looks while being mixed.


I can’t be the only one that thinks vomit am I? And why do Pinterest & blogs never show the vomit looking stage of baking?

This post may contain affiliate links.  Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits

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