Dead Nancy Stuff deadnancystuff holycard Jesus jesusjunk jesusjunque maryseyemakeupisonpoint nancycrap

Mary was a Ginger?I know I shouldn’t snark but sometimes I just find #jesusjunque and wonder WTF….

Mary was a Ginger? I know I shouldn’t snark but sometimes I just find #jesusjunque and wonder WTF. There is just so much going on with this prayer card. For one thing- Mary (and Jesus) were both North African/ Middle Eastern Jews. There is no way that Mary would be so pale and be a […]

crafty sewing thrift store finds vintage

Vintage buttons and snaps oh my!

    I love finding old carded buttons (and other sewing supplies) at the thrifts. The packaging alone is usually a work of art & they often are examples of our old retail landscape. In today’s finds I found old Twin Fair and Hens & Kelly tags- along with a cursive Sears logo. Who else […]