#Repost @markxrisso with @repostapp・・・#hillaryclinton appears to have locked down the Penns Valley Amish demographic! #imwithher #theyrewithher #pennsvalley #amish  #hillary2016 #almostdefinitelystolenSo… Bigish response to this picture. A few things in response to comments:1. This photo is real, and not photoshopped in any way. I don't know how to use photo editing software.2. I'm not an expert on Amish life and culture, but I can say that they are complex people just like you and I. They do use the internet (at the public library), and though they are not likely to read Huffington post articles, or look at pictures on my Instagram feed I imagine they do read some news, and they do listen to the radio outside of the home.3. I've been told that some Amish do vote, but that it is not the norm, and it's done on the sly.4. Amish teenagers like to hang around, cause mischief, and show off for their friends quite similarly to all teenagers.5. This buggy contained at least 5 teenage boys, and my suspicion is that this yard sign was stolen as an apolitical act of hooliganism motivated by boredom, and should not be taken as an endorsement. 6. I choose to take this as an endorsement of #hillary #clinton from Amish people everywhere!!

#Repost @markxrisso with @repostapp・・・#hillaryclinton appears to have locked down the Penns Valley Amish demographic! #imwithher #theyrewithher #pennsvalley #amish #hillary2016 #almostdefinitelystolenSo… Bigish response to this picture. A few things in response to comments:1. This photo is real, and not photoshopped in any way. I don't know how to use photo editing software.2. I'm not an expert on Amish life and culture, but I can say that they are complex people just like you and I. They do use the internet (at the public library), and though they are not likely to read Huffington post articles, or look at pictures on my Instagram feed I imagine they do read some news, and they do listen to the radio outside of the home.3. I've been told that some Amish do vote, but that it is not the norm, and it's done on the sly.4. Amish teenagers like to hang around, cause mischief, and show off for their friends quite similarly to all teenagers.5. This buggy contained at least 5 teenage boys, and my suspicion is that this yard sign was stolen as an apolitical act of hooliganism motivated by boredom, and should not be taken as an endorsement. 6. I choose to take this as an endorsement of #hillary #clinton from Amish people everywhere!!

This post may contain affiliate links to companies I know and trust. If you purchase something through one of those links I will receive a few pennies to help fund my yarn, fabric and vintage cookbook habit

This post may contain affiliate links.  Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook and yarn habits

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#Repost @markxrisso with @repostapp・・・#hillaryclinton appears to have locked down the Penns Valley Amish demographic! #imwithher #theyrewithher #pennsvalley #amish  #hillary2016 #almostdefinitelystolenSo... Bigish response to this picture. A few things in response to comments:1. This photo is real, and not photoshopped in any way. I don't know how to use photo editing software.2. I'm not an expert on Amish life and culture, but I can say that they are complex people just like you and I. They do use the internet (at the public library), and though they are not likely to read Huffington post articles, or look at pictures on my Instagram feed I imagine they do read some news, and they do listen to the radio outside of the home.3. I've been told that some Amish do vote, but that it is not the norm, and it's done on the sly.4. Amish teenagers like to hang around, cause mischief, and show off for their friends quite similarly to all teenagers.5. This buggy contained at least 5 teenage boys, and my suspicion is that this yard sign was stolen as an apolitical act of hooliganism motivated by boredom, and should not be taken as an endorsement. 6. I choose to take this as an endorsement of #hillary #clinton from Amish people everywhere!!
from Instagram
Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/swampcrone/

This post may contain affiliate links.  Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook and yarn habits

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