International Gourmet Food Festival
Ascension's International Food Festival food recipe

Polish Potato Soup

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(Polish potato soup varies from other potato soups mostly in its seasonings, so different and so delectable)

6 medium sized potatoes, diced
2 large or 4 medium sized onions, diced
6 bay leaves
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1 quart milk, warmed
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar

Simmer the potatoes, onions, bay leaves, and cloves happily together in barely enough water to cover until both the potatoes and onions are tender and mushy. Fish out the cloves and bay leaves. Add the warm milk salt & pepper. Add the tarragon vinegar, stirring very carefully so it doesn’t curdle. Heat, but do not let it boil. Serve immediately. Serves 4

From Ascension’s International Food Festival Recipes

Printable copies:

polish potato soup 3×5 card

polish potato soup 4×6 card

polish potato soup full page

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3 thoughts on “Polish Potato Soup

    1. I just found it in my late mothers stash of cookbooks yesterday- I am slowly typing the recipes out.

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