Troop 118 Working???
Buffalo scouting

More from the past of St. Ann’s Church, Buffalo. Boy Scout Troop 118 part 2 (of many parts)

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Just a reminder

The next Buffalo Mass Mob will be held Sunday, April 19th, 2015 at 12:30pm for Saint Ann’s annual German Mass at historic Saint Louis Church. This will be a unique Mass as it is said in German and celebrates WNY’s German Catholic Heritage.

(facebook event page)


One thing that has remained consistent in my family is Scouting. It started with my Great Grandfather Charles who was heavily involved with Scouting at both St. Ann’s Church in Buffalo, NY & at St. Matthew’s Church (also in Buffalo). My grandmother was not a scout herself but later was a Camp Fire Girls leader (so yes my mom was a Campfire Girl). I myself was a Gold Award Girl Scout & there are a few Eagle Scout cousins. My son is continuing the family tradition as a Cub Scout & my daughter will eventually be a Girl Scout.

Troop 118 at St. Ann’s Church was part of the Seneca District of the Buffalo Boy Scout Council. Over the years districts have merged and various councils have merged to form the Greater Niagara Council. Camps have closed (such as Toad Hollow) and others are still in use to this day (Scouthaven). These photos are just a few of the many camping photos from Troop 118 I will be sharing.

This post may contain affiliate links.  Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits

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