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Mary was a Ginger?
I know I shouldn’t snark but sometimes I just find #jesusjunque and wonder WTF.
There is just so much going on with this prayer card. For one thing- Mary (and Jesus) were both North African/ Middle Eastern Jews. There is no way that Mary would be so pale and be a ginger. And Jesus? This is where I remind people that Jesus was not a blond haired blue eyed kid. (Again that whole North African/ Middle Eastern thing).
Where is JC’s diaper? Every parent quickly learns that when it comes to little boys to keep the penis covered. You will find yourself with pee shot in the eye or mouth.
But back to Mary- she just gave birth with no painkillers in a stable that reeks of animal shit and her makeup, hair and hijab are on point. I could barely manage to get dressed a few days after having my uterus ripped open. She does lose points because the outfit looks totally impractical for breastfeeding.

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