This is what it must feel like to have a time machine! Source: 20 utterly unique historical photographs you’ve never seen before
Singer instructions for art embroidery : Singer sewing machine company. [from old catalog] : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
I am loving the old embroidery instructions at this website- and what makes all of the embroidery & lace such works of art is that they are all done on a treadle machine. No downloading a design from the ‘net to use in the fancy dancy embroidery machine- nope doing this all by hand err […]
Christians and Coffee Cups |
When Christians start to lose sight of gratitude and instead develop a major persecution complex then we have a huge faith crisis on our hands that is far bigger than whether the red cups at Starbucks make any reference to Jesus. This year we didn’t even wait until Advent to start claiming persecution. We are […]
Betty Crocker’s Absurd, Gorgeous Atomic-Age Creations – The New York Times
The iconic brand’s midcentury recipes evoke the era’s peculiar optimism, encased in gelatin and smothered in mayonnaise. Source: Betty Crocker’s Absurd, Gorgeous Atomic-Age Creations – The New York Times I may own two boxes of these cards. There is something weirdly wonderful about these cards and there are times I’m tempted to make a […]
More on the Cricut machines!
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links. Want the ability to easily make a personalized wedding gift or perhaps some unique home décor? Then you might find Cricut electronic cutting machines to be the best DIY crafting tool since the sewing machine. […]