#tbt chest hair chesthairdontcare Dead Nancy Stuff deadnancystuff tbthursday

I think this might be a parade but that does not answer the…

I think this might be a parade but that does not answer the questions that this photo brings up.Why are those two people sitting in the van? Why is that man not committed to having his shirt off? Is that a comb-over he has happening? Although I do miss the days when men actually owned that […]

Dead Nancy Stuff deadnancystuff jesuswasntwhite maryseyemakeupisonpoint marywasntablond thrift thriftstorefinds

Mary apparently was also a blond. And today in not at all realistic Mary’s we have the blond haired…

Mary apparently was also a blond. And today in not at all realistic Mary’s we have the blond haired oh so white Mary. Again we’re talking about a Middle Eastern/ North African Jewish or Muslim woman. She was not white & wasn’t a blond. Her Smokey eyes are on point though. (Although she’s been traveling […]

Dead Nancy Stuff deadnancystuff holycard Jesus jesusjunk jesusjunque maryseyemakeupisonpoint nancycrap

Mary was a Ginger?I know I shouldn’t snark but sometimes I just find #jesusjunque and wonder WTF….

Mary was a Ginger? I know I shouldn’t snark but sometimes I just find #jesusjunque and wonder WTF. There is just so much going on with this prayer card. For one thing- Mary (and Jesus) were both North African/ Middle Eastern Jews. There is no way that Mary would be so pale and be a […]