
#tbt Boy Scout Week 1953

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 43rd Anniversary 1953

Boy Scouts of America

43rd anniversary of Boy Scouts
43rd anniversary of Boy Scouts

From The Fredonia (NY) Censor, Feb 5, 1953

Boy Scout Week, Feb. 7 to 13, marking the 43rd anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, will be observed throughout the nation by more then 3,250.000 boys and adult leaders. Since 1910 more than 20,200,000 boys and men have been members.
“Forward on Liberty’s Team” is the birthday them and the emphasis is on “The Scout Family” of programs meeting the interests of boys in three age groups: Cub Scouting for boys 8, 9, and 10; Boy Scouting for those 11, 12, and 13 and Exploring for boys 14 and up.
The high point of Scouting in 1953 will be the third National Jamboree. More than 50,000 Boy Scouts will camp at a 3,000-acrew tent city on the Irvine Ranch in the Newport Harbor area of southern California next July.



43rd anniversary of Boy Scouts
43rd anniversary of Boy Scouts

From The Fredonia (NY) Censor, Feb 5, 1953

On this 43rd anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America, we salute them for their many fine achievements and admirable principles… for contributing so many outstanding citizens to our great country… February 6th to 12th

For all your uniform and equipment needs, see us- We’re Official Scout Outfitters. The Safe-Store, Central Avenue, Dunkirk (NY)


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