This post may contain affiliate links. Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits
Victorian Thistles- Musgrave Designs counted cross stitch
**blah blah blah there are some advertising links here**
I’ve caught the damn cross stitching bug that has gone around. In full disclosure I did do some cross stitching when I was much younger but gave it up because all the designs that were out in the late 80s & early 90s were really twee and vomit inducing cute. Even now I don’t do the cutesy crap- see the cats with happy “hang in there” type sayings
And yes I just posted a link to examples on Amazon. Because while I’m shaming the twee I will still try to make a few cents from it. So try an Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
Oh where was I? Talking about this kit. I found it at the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store and it looked like it would be a good first project. I’ve made a couple of mistakes in counting but nothing that an extra stitch or two couldn’t hide… From what I can tell Musgrave designs is no longer in business but i found a few other kits over on eBay (and yes more links below)
This post may contain affiliate links. Clicking on one & buying through it will help support my vintage cookbook, fabric and yarn habits