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(Szczesniak’s Special)
Szczesniaków Specialne Paczki

Irene H Szczesniak
DE LUXE FEATHERLIGHT DOUGHNUTS (Szczesniak's Special) Szczesniaków Specialne Paczki
- 1 cup light cream
- 2- ounce yeast cake
- 1 cup flour
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 6 large eggs
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- ½ pound butter
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 cup cold milk
- Fat for frying
- 7 cups flour
- Granulated sugar
- Scald 1 cup light cream. Cool to lukewarm. Crumble in one large cake of yeast (2 ounces) and add 1 cup flour and 1 tablespoon sugar. Mix well and set aside to rise
- Beat six large eggs, Melt ½ pound butter. Add one cup of cold milk. Measure seven cups flour in a large bowl. Add two tablespoons sugar and twp teaspoons salt. Make a well in the center of the flour. Beat in the yeast mixture, the eggs, butter and milk mixture. Mix with wooden spoon or by hand until the dough is smooth and soft and does not stick to the hands anymore. This takes about five minutes. Put into a greased bowl, then turn over to grease top. Cover and allow to rise until double. Punch down, empty dough on a floured board and roll out to ½” thickness. Cut into round shapes with a cookie cutter or a glass. Let rise again until doubled and fry in deep fat at 375 degrees. Fry a few at a time. Drop crusty topside of doughnut down into the frying fat first. This is important. Then turn over and fry the other side. Fry about one minute on each side until nicely browned. Place on absorbent paper and roll in granulated sugar to serve. These freeze well. If you want to fill with jelly or jam, make a slit with a sharp knife and fill with a teaspoon. Or, use a pastry tube. This recipe makes about three dozen doughnuts.
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